The threat of any kind is injurious to our health. As it immediately diverts vital energy of our body to hands and legs. It does so to prepare our body to fight or flight. However, when this becomes a regular feature, it can depress our immune system, thereby making us sick. Hence in order to remain healthy, it is extremely important that we feel secure and less threatened in our lives. But what do we do to enable that? That is the purpose of this note.
Expecting Less
Most stress emanates due to mismatch between expectation and outcomes. Since outcomes are not in our control and therefore the probability of this mismatch is extremely high. This leads to stress and therefore a sense of threat. Hence managing “expectation” is the key to enable us to lead a healthy life.
Living in Present
Most threats aren’t real. They are simply the creation of our minds. Such threats are unnecessary as most such visualization may not translate into real outcomes. Therefore living in present prevents us from experiencing these threats — which can cause a serious risk to our health.
Slowing Down Mind
Slowing down the mind is the key to relaxation. Unfortunately, most physical activity including intense physical exercise does just the opposite. Hence, most forms of intense physical exercises can be quite harmful, especially when one tends to practice them regularly. Therefore, the key to managing stress is to learn the art of relaxation, i.e slowing down the mind.
Practising Integrity
Practising integrity can be very beneficial for our health. As is relives the mind from the need for constant manipulation, thereby decreasing the stress levels considerably.
Being Organised
Being organised can be extremely healthy. It relieves us from frustration — caused due to disproportionate efforts required to carry out simple tasks.
Practising Forgiveness
The sense of revenge also contributes to significant stress. Also, such actions are not without risks, as the same can backfire — causing more harm to the individual seeking it.
Eating Less
Eating optimally can be very beneficial. As it relieves the body from the work of digesting foods that are totally unnecessary, thereby relieving stress. Also, eating less frequently (maximum 3 times a day) can be very healthy.
Following Routine
Following a routine relives the conscious mind from the unnecessary load by transferring most of the tasks to the subconscious mind, thereby releasing stress. The subconscious mind is quite efficient in performing tasks by converting them into habits.
Following Principles
When in doubt “principles” are like beacons. It has the power to navigate us in the midst of uncertainty and confusion. It might not always guarantee material returns but surely ensures mental peace and less stressful life.
In the end, real wealth does not emanate from money. It originates from long-lasting relationships and our ability to add value. Also there are many things in life which money cannot buy, and among the most important among them is “a healthy and less stressful life”.