Managing stress is easier said than done. Though it is difficult to eliminate it totally, one can reduce it substantially by executing the following steps.
Step 1: Managing Expectations
We feel stressed out when the outcome is lower than our expectation. Once it is set at reasonable levels, then the probability of the outcome resonating with our expectation is more — lowering stress levels.
Step 2: Being Organised
Being organised increases the probability of the outcome getting aligned with our expectation, thereby reducing stress.
Step 3: Being Honest
Being honest is a natural stress buster. The reason — we do not have to manipulate constantly if we act honestly (conserving precious energy). Thus mitigating stress.
Step 4: Following Routine
Following a set routine enables our subconscious minds to carry out most of our tasks with optimal energy (the subconscious mind is very efficient). Thus reducing stress. On the other hand, not following a routine overload the conscious mind (requires a disproportionate amount of energy) — creating a lot of stress.
Step 5: Eating Healthy
Eating healthy can help mitigating stress. Why? Unhealthy food in larger quantum exhausts our body, which has to consume a lot of energy to digest it — creating a lot of stress.
Step 6: Exercising Regularly
Exercising is a natural stress buster, as it not only keeps our body healthy but releases chemicals in our brain which helps manage stress.
Step 7: Being Compassionate
Being compassionate drives a sense of satisfaction which is sustainable. This helps manage stress.
Step 8: Practicing Forgiveness
The act of forgiveness calms down the mind and therefore is a great way of managing stress.
Step 9: Following Principles
Following set principles frees the mind from the burden of constantly evaluating every situation from the point of view of gains or loss. Thus helps control stress to a large extent.
Step 10: Creating Value
Creating sufficient value can be a great way of managing stress. As it keeps us relevant and in the process acts as a shield against attacks from vested interest, who are constantly working to demolish us and our interest. Our capability to fight these forces triggers within us an inner self-confidence, thereby reducing stress.
Finally, please note that these ten steps in no way guarantee that our life will totally stress-free. Actually, some amount of stress (discomfort) is fine as it keeps up on our toes — a must for physical and intellectual growth. The good news is that such stress does not impact us detrimentally, as nature has equipped us to deal with it (limited stress) effectively. The reason these steps are important, as it will prevent us from experiencing “sustained stress”, which our bodies are incapable of dealing with. Sustained stress can be very painful, and is the genesis of all kind of diseases. Acknowledging this fact will motivate us to practice these steps consciously, thereby improving our lives significantly — making it less stressful and enjoyable.