Oral Communication — The Biggest Mistake

Parag Kar
3 min readDec 8, 2019


After having spent many years practicing the “art of communication”, it seems like a never ending process. Deeper we dive, the greater is the opportunity to learn more, as it is a vast subject with multiple dimensions. In this note, I plan to pick just one dimension, which I think is the most important. As if not properly managed it can destroy meaningful communication between interested entities or at the least make the process extremely inefficient. What is this dimension?

“It is the inherent urge to talk as much as possible without providing sufficient opportunities for others to respond”

Sometimes preventing others from talking could be driven by anger or any other similar reasons. Which is understandable, but what is strange though is we follow the same strategy (maybe inadvertently) at times when we genuinely want others to contribute. This is bizarre. Why should we do that? To me, the following could be the reasons.


Sometimes the individual seeking response is confused and therefore keeps babbling due to lack of clarity on the subject. What is more appalling is when one does so with an intent to gain public attention, but in the process makes a mockery of himself. When confused, the best strategy is to listen carefully to others or ask simple questions in order to clarify confusions if any.


The “sense of superiority” translates into a feeling of contempt towards others. This forces us to interject more, as we believe that the others are not even worthy of contributing. This creates a huge barrier and prevents us from taking advantage of another point of view and thereby destroying the very purpose of the communication. It is a well-known fact that knowledge brings biases, and prevents “out of box” thinking. The only way to overcome this problem is by seeking advice from others and even if he is a novice.


Too much commitment in solving problems with maximum efficiency drives us from listening to others. However, the objective should not be just to solve the problem but to enable an environment where others also must perceive to have contributed. This is important, to strengthening relationships and prevent inadvertent mistakes (feedback and counterviews can force critical thinking) — crucial for the overall success.


The lack of confidence in our ability to steer the discussion in the right direction prevents us from listening to others. This is a problem we face since we are dependent on others staying on course. They might choose to not follow any of the principles (as stated in this note). The best strategy then is to lay out the objective (purpose) of the discussion clearly in the beginning itself and gracefully interrupt those who digress (by sighting proper reasons for doing so) to ensure the discussions stays on course as much as possible.


Being aware of the “quantum of time” taken by us (compared to others) can be a good metric to force ourselves to listen to others also. This is a very difficult skill and one has to practice this consciously to preserve the efficiency of the overall discussion.


It is our responsibility to allow others to finish their point of view with full continuity even if they digress (they should not be interrupted at all). This will enable others with sufficient time to realign their thoughts towards the objective without interruption. One should interject only if it absolutely necessary and that too when someone continues to digress even after having given the opportunity to correct themselves.


Bring as concise as possible is the key towards an efficient communication. One should never try to bring all the points in one go, as the listener is bound to forget most of what was said earlier, thereby requiring constant repetition — leading to wastage of time.

The failure to communicate effectively/efficiently is as much our responsibility as we think it is of others. Hence, the focus should be on self-improvement, and if we do that 50% of the problem will get resolved.



Parag Kar
Parag Kar

Written by Parag Kar

EX Vice President, Government Affairs, India and South Asia at QUALCOMM

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